
I'm looking for a job : tips !

01 January 2023 Did you know?
Viewed 1478 times

Are you looking for a job? Are you looking for new opportunities?

Here are the tools you can use to optimize your search!

Inform the Network and our partner recruiters!

Log on to your private area and find out more about the via the EMPLOYMENT / CAREER menu.

> Not working? Remember to update your employment status to Not working and looking for work.

Modify personal information / Identity / Professional status

> Create your own Mini CV, outlining your career path and skills.

Modify personal information/CV

ECAM recruiting engineers who use ECAM Alumni tools will be informed of your situation and will be able to view your Directory profile, consult your CV and/or mini CV and contact you.

Companies that have created recruiter accounts on ECAM Alumni also have access to the Network's CV library!

Check / Manage all your RGPD preferences on your own!

Edit personal information / Settings / Profile privacy settings

Create personalized job alerts!

> Choose your keywords, select your criteria and save them by creating your job alerts (Emploi Carrière / Espace Emploi / offre d'emploi / Recherche)

Contact your predecessors!

An ECAM graduate who has worked or is working for a company that interests you could give you advice or answer any questions you may have: does the job match my expectations? What potential for development does it offer? What's the atmosphere like in a particular department?

He might even be able to put you in touch with the right person (avoiding multiple telephone barriers) or give you a helping hand for your first interview!

> So don't hesitate to consult theonline directory and contact the alumni who have gone before you, before sending in your unsolicited applications!

Get in touch with companies that recruit from ECAM!

A company that recruits or has recruited ECAM engineers is likely to recruit others.

> Don't forget to consult the company files of our partner recruiters (Emploi Carrière / Espace Emploi/ Entreprise qui recrutent) to obtain additional information on their structure and to view the graduates currently in post. This will give you an indication of their interest in ECAM graduates.

Read the specific report on the IESF survey:

> Every year, the ECAM Alumni Association provides its members and ECAM job seekers with the results of the national survey of French Engineers and Scientists. nieurs et Scientifiques de France and commissions a specific report for ECAM LaSalle graduates from the IESF, for which it is the reference alumni organization!

Go to the Headlines menu to consult these documents!

Contact the ECAM Alumni Career Center!

This unit supports members who are looking for a job, in professional transition or on the lookout.

Would you like to find out more? Take an initial inventory of your needs with your Association.

> I contact my ECAM Alumni Association

You'll be put in touch with volunteer ECAMs and other network members who can answer your questions, challenge you and advise you. We also offer a wide range of partnerships with specialized employment/career structures, as well as workshops.

> If you'relooking for work, you can ask to be exempted from paying membership fees , which will enable you to benefit from all our services free of charge!

If you have any further questions or requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us: or

ECAM Alumni, the Association for your network!

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