
Les Perdus de vue!

04 October 2019 Did you know?
Viewed 302 times

A network is like a career - you build it when you don't need it!

"When we left school, all we wanted to do was work and climb the ladder as quickly as possible, but we didn't pay enough attention to the importance of our network. That was a mistake."


Some of your class members haven't sent us their new contact details and you know how to get in touch with them by email. Help us introduce them to

Why use the "Lost and Found" function?

> Because for the majority of those lost to time, it's not voluntary to be cut off from the network...

> Because all ECAM Lyon and Strasbourg students are full members of the association and can benefit from the advantages of the ECAM Alumni network and the Association's services!

> To help keep this network alive and continue to enable members, students and your school to benefit from each other's opinions and advice.

> Because you have the power to be our ambassador and explain to young and old alike that there's strength in numbers!

The more you help your network, the more you help yourself!

How can we help?

It couldn't be easier!

> Log in to your Personal Area on

You don't have/no longer have access! Please refer to the "Login made easy" tutorial.

>In the bottom right-hand corner of your personal space home page, the systemsuggests a sample of those lost to view corresponding (by default) to your year of graduation:

All you have to do is give us an e-mail address for the person you're targeting, so that we can get in touch with him/her and explain our missions and his/her rights!

> You can consult the complete list of your promotion's lost and found, or that of another promotion, by clicking on "Other Lost and Found"!

> This list will show all the people for whom we have no means of contact (no email / no address / no telephone).
If you know the email address of some of these people, simply indicate it opposite the corresponding first and last names.

> An automatic email will then be sent to them (to view its contents, please consult the file attached to this news item) informing them of the situation and the importance for the ECAM Alumni network of having an up-to-date database, as well as the procedure for first-time connection.

This person is then free to answer your/our call and complete their online profile.


Under no circumstances will the lost-of-view email you enter be saved in the database or transferred to the member's private space! It's up to the member concerned to make the change.

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