
The directory accessible wherever you are!

25 September 2020 Did you know?
Viewed 542 times

"Your next-door neighbor, your co-worker... may be an ECAM and you still don't know it!"

Your first network tool is always at hand with

ECAM Alumni Online Directory!

2 possibilities

GEOLOCALIZED VERSION => Very practical for searches abroad!

THEMATIC VERSION => By promotion criteria, sector, job profile, "keywords" ...

Please note that some themes are text fields

Remember to switch from English to French, and to rephrase your requests,

from the broadest to the most precise criteria, and above all :

Don't forget to renew your search regularly!

The directory is updated hundreds of times a month.

The advantages of the online directory:

- The latest network updates are just a few clicks away

- Simplified search (Name / Promo / Country / Department...)

- Geolocation of ECAM Alumni worldwide

- Accessible wherever you are from your mobile app and on

- Advanced search now available by keyword!

- Access to update your personal ECAM Alumni profile with a simple click!

- But also less bulky and much, much lighter

Don't hesitate to (re)discover your online directory!

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