
Complete my profile

21 June 2019 Did you know?
Viewed 478 times

How do I complete my profile?

> Beneath your profile photo (or black silhouette with your initials), a blue download bar indicates your profile's completion rate in %.

> Without clicking, point your mouse cursor at this blue bar: the system indicates which parts of your profile are not filled in. Ex: "Fill in your curriculum"; "Fill in your home address"; etc.

> Click and you'll be automatically redirected to the right place, to the missing information!

Image 2: Complete your profile

How do I access your detailed profile menu?

Once your profile is 100% complete, if you wish to make any changes, click on the edit icon to the right of your profile photo:

> This willtake you to your detailed profile and its general menu:

See images 3 & 4 below.

Image 3: the edit icon to access your detailed profile menu

Image 4: Your detailed profile and its menu

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