
#16 : New European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD)

14 June 2018 Did you know?
Viewed 738 times

What is the RGPD?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European regulation that constitutes the reference text for personal data protection, and aims to strengthen and unify it within the European Union.

The main objectives of the GDPR are to increase both the protection of people affected by the processing of their personal data and the accountability of those involved in this processing. These principles will be able to be applied thanks to the increased power of regulatory authorities.

[From Wikipedia]

In short: more transparency on the use of your data and more control for users!

And what about ECAM Alumni?

As the Alumni Association of ECAM Lyon and ECAM Strasbourg-Europe, we are responsible for the data you entrust to us. Of course, we didn't wait for the RGPD to ensure their preservation and security, but we are legally obliged today to update the general conditions of use and have them validated by you.

What consequences does this have for you, members of the Association?

All you have to do is click on the link in the e-mail sent to you on 14/06, or log on* to the site; a window with the new terms and conditions will appear. Read them carefully and validate them if you agree.

Unless you accept them, the Association can no longer process your data or communicate with you!

(*) Remember: if you are logging in for the first time, or if you have lost your MdP, click on the "Login" button, then on "Forgot password ? & follow the procedure indicated.

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