Organizers / Managers


Welcome to GP05 Energies LYON!

Energy and climate, global warming, energy transition....

For the past fifteen years, Lyon's GP Energies group has been organizing conferences on the broad subject of energy. In conjunction with the AM Engineers Association, the ECAM Lyon-Strasbourg Engineers Association seeks speakers and organizes these events three times a year.

Recent conferences on topics such as the decommissioning of nuclear power plants, electricity storage, shale gas and the circular economy, give an idea of the scope of our activities.circular economy, give an idea of the variety and breadth of subjects that can be addressed. These conferences last around 1h30, start at 5.45pm and continue with convivial exchanges over a friendly drink.

You can join the discussion forum by subscribing to the group.



More than 200 people attended the last GP

Alumni and students


ZOOM ON The Groupe Professionnel Energie Lyon (GP55)


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