
Job opportunities at ECAM Alumni

20 March 2023 ECAM Alumni
Viewed 502 times

ECAM Alumni...It's all about you!

The proposed missions may be combined with a position as administrator on the association's Board ofDirectors or Executive Committee.

As part of the renewal of the Board of Directors voted each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and governed by the current statutes, a call for candidates has been launched to all members of the ECAM Alumni Association.

In view of the AGO votes on 22/04/23, please send your applications to before April 1st 2023.

for the Promotion Région International delegation

The association's promotions, regions and international delegation includes: promotion delegates and regional presidents and their teams. These active members are indispensable pillars of the ECAM Alumni community and beyond.

Geographical delegations are responsible for federating and coordinating the network of ECAM engineers, masters and associate members in a given territory.

They are familiar with the network of associations and services for engineers and scientists in their area, and represent ECAM Alumni where appropriate (e.g. regional IESF, InterAlumni, thematic professional groups, etc.).

They take part in "historic" network events run by the association at national level (e.g. ECAM Alumni Afterwork, Journée des rencontres amicales, etc.).

They organize events in line with the wishes and opportunities offered by their territory

They encourage mutual support and the sharing of experience among the ECAM community on their territory.

The head of the group actively participates in organization groups and institutional events to ensure that the voice of ECAMs in his or her territory is heard at national level. The delegation chairman is a member of the Bureau.

The mission of the Promotion Delegates is tounite andlead the ECAMs in their promotion:

They are the link between their class and the Association

They are the link between their class and their school

They & Elles organize regular get-togethers (1 X every 5 years, generally) to avoid losing touch with each other and facilitate exchanges and solidarity within each promo

They keep abreast of ECAM Alumni news and can answer questions from their fellow students, or refer them to the Association.

They & Elles raise awareness of the importance of the directory and of membership of the Association

Missions to be filled!

Community Ambassador ECAM Ville FRANCE

Ambassador Community ECAM

ECAM Community Ambassador

Ambassador ECAM Community

Ambassador ECAM Community

Ambassador ECAM Community

Ambassador ECAM Community

Delegate Coordinator Promos
> 2000

Promos Delegates Coordinator
Between 80 and 1999

Promos Delegates Coordinator
< 80

Campus visits

Coordinator ALUMNI Delegates LYON

Coordinator ALUMNI Delegates STRASBOURG

Web and Social Network Animation

Promotional events

ECAM Alumni Tools

REINFORCEMENT for Pôle Emploi / Carrière animators!

Managing the ECAM Alumni Employment/Career Pole is a major strategic challenge for defending the ECAM / ECAM LaSalle brand, your diplomas and the recognition of the ECAM Alumni community in the French engineering and scientific landscape.

This department coordinates the volunteers of the ECAM Entrepreneurship Unit and the various thematic business groups/clubs. It works closely with all functional managers and with the ECAM Alumni General Secretariat to adapt network tools to facilitate lifelong professional development. He or she acts as a link between recruiters with an account on ECAM Alumni and ECAM students on the watch list or looking for a job. It collaborates with the schools' Company Relations Departments to serve the entire ECAM community.

The ECAM Alumni Employment and Career Center is looking for its pilot *.

the ECAM Alumni Employment/Career Center team
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