GP03 - Environment & Sustainable and Responsible Development Professions

Organizers / Managers


This new ECAM Alumni Professional Group is an open group!

The mission of this Professional Group is to unite the ECAM community around major ecological issues, and to disseminate and share knowledge from the ECAM network in order to take concrete action as an alumni and student community.

Its motto?

"Re-enchanting the future

#SustainableDevelopment #Ecoresponsible #Ecodesign #ACV #SocialSolidarityEconomy #EnergyTransition #Climate #Environment #Decarbonation #Solutions #Innovation #Sobriety

See you on October 10th in Lyon!

REGISTRATION Focus After#31 ECAM Alumni in Lyon

"Sustainable development: a major issue in higher education".

I would like to be contacted by the General Secretariat


A joint initiative of ECAM Alumni/ECAM LaSalle employees and ECAM alumni , this group is actively seeking alumni and student members to become ambassadors for the entire ECAM Alumni network.

Let's define together our expectations for a GP Ecologie

Why not?

> Communicate and share knowledge (training, information, initiatives)

> Develop new ideas and help the world of French engineers and scientists to evolve (strategic thinking).

> Make decisions and take action in favor of necessary ecological transitions (collective reflection).

> Create a pro-active and supportive community to encourage retraining (employment/career), career development and, why not, "bifurcations".

> Be an active player in civil society, by taking on in-house or entrepreneurial responsibilities to help businesses and professions evolve.

> Respond to student and alumni concerns about ecological issues and the importance of sustainable development in higher education.

> Supporting student initiatives and ECAM LaSalle actions

> "Doing your part

I want to know more


Display map with group members