GP ECAM Alumni - B2M [Wood - Concrete - Metal] construction trades


News from ECAM

When we work in these professions, we sell predictable behavior. For an old structure, what will give us its predictable behavior is its longevity...

Basic values and transparency

Every project is a prototype, because every building is unique.

Every building is an intellectual work, followed by its faithful realization.

Under the impetus of their newly-appointed leader ECAM Alumni, the GP ECAM Alumni Bois - Bâtiment and TP LYON are merging to become:

Groupe Professionnel - Métiers de la ConstructionB2M

Wood / Concrete / Metal

Like all ECAM Alumni Professional Groups, the GPB2M is designed to be progressive, open and collaborative!

Make your suggestions and contact the group leaders via

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Since 1989, ECAMs have been getting together for what their initiator calls "construction lunches".

To enable you to meet and brainstorm, the GPB2Mis offering all ECAMs working in the construction trades the chance to follow in the tradition and get together for a lunch break in a great, easy-to-access setting just a stone's throw from Lyon!

GP Métiers de la Construction B2M launch lunch

Friday April 8, 2022 at 12:30 pm


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