Events calendar

[AGENDA InterAlumni RA] Time For The Planet Conference

Organised by "Lyon delegation"

Presentation conference and round-table discussion.

Time For The Planet, a unique entrepreneurial model to accelerate the transition from the laboratory to the ecosystem of decarbonization.

#decarbonization #citizenengagement #change #conference

As part ofthe InterAlumni RA group, Alumni INSA Lyon,through your ECAM Alumni association, isorganizing a conference on Time for the planet: a unique entrepreneurial model to accelerate the transition from the laboratory to the decarbonization ecosystem.

This conference will focus on an exchange between speakers and experts, with the following program:

tftpIntroduction by Nicolas Freud, Deputy Director of the Centre des Humanités, Director in charge of Socio-Ecological Transformation & Senior Lecturer at INSA Lyon
tftpPresentation of Time for the Planet
tftpInnovators / innovations round table, with the presence of :

Laure Corriga, Director INSAVALOR
Eric Bergé, TFTP Scientific Committee expert
Naoufel Menadi & Karino Kang, Leviathan Dynamics

tftpQuestions & Answers
tftpCocktail reception to continue the discussions

This workshop is open to all graduates of the Rhône-Alpes grandes écoles, who are members of the InterAlumni RA group.


A career is like a network,

you build it when you don't need it

Thursday 6 April 2023
19:00 - 22:00 (GMT +1)
INSA LYON (amphi Jean Capelle), Villeurbanne
20 Av. Albert Einstein
69100 Villeurbanne
Nicolas FREUD
Director, Socio-Ecological Transformation

Director of Socio-Ecological Transformation INSA LYON, Deputy Director of the Centre des Humanités, Head of Training Development, Director of Socio-Ecological Transformation & Lecturer

Chairman of the Executive Board

She joined the Insavalor Board in 2009 and is currently Chairman of the Board.

Scientific expert
Time for the Planet

Heavy industry project manager, Eric BERGE has managed Chryso and Parexgroup. In addition to his entrepreneurial and business angel career, Eric brings his expertise in the building and materials sector to The Shift Project.

Naoufel MENADI
Chief Executive Officer
Leviathan Dynamics

Leviathan Dynamics develops and markets a new generation of refrigeration compressor that makes it possible to use water as a refrigerant.

Karino KANG
President, cofounder and Chief Operating Officer
Leviathan Dynamics

Leviathan Dynamics is a young start-up whose aim is to design, manufacture and market chillers and air-conditioning systems based on a new technology.


INSA LYON (amphi Jean Capelle), Villeurbanne

20 Av. Albert Einstein
69100 Villeurbanne

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Streetcar T1 Croix-Luizet stop (amphitheatre opposite)

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Thursday 6 April 2023
19:00 - 22:00 (GMT +1)
INSA LYON (amphi Jean Capelle), Villeurbanne
20 Av. Albert Einstein
69100 Villeurbanne
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