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Lecture-Debate with Jean Jouzel Paleoclimatologist and former IPCC Vice-Chairman

Global warming: from facts to solutions

As part of the conferences organized by the CPE Lyon Alumni Association, we are pleased to invite you to take part in the conference/debate proposed by Jean Jouzel:

Global warming: from observations to solutions

Jean Jouzel, who graduated from CPE Lyon in 1968, is a paleo-climatologist internationally recognized for his scientific work and his commitment to the fight against global warming.

He made a name for himself in 1987 when, with Claude Lorius, he published the first study formally establishing the link between CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and global warming. In 1994, he was appointed a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and from 2002 to 2015 was vice-chairman of the IPCC Working Group on the Physical Basis of Climate Change. He is gradually establishing himself in France as a media figure in the fight against global warming.

World-renowned for his research on climate change, he has received numerous scientific awards, including the CNRS Gold Medal (France's highest scientific distinction).(France's highest scientific distinction) and the Vetlesen Prize (considered the Earth sciences equivalent of the Nobel Prize). He is also a member of the French, Italian, European, American and Australian Academies of Science.

Paleoclimatology is the science that studies past climates and their variations. It attempts to establish the environmental conditions characteristic of each geoclimatic period, particularly in terms of the paleo-temperatures of the atmosphere, oceans and continents.

These reconstructions of past climatic variations, and possibly their causes, provide (partly empirical) data on current and future climate trends.

Theme covered?

Ecology, climate change and solutions.


Tuesday May 9 (6.15pm to midnight)


The conference is free for all.

Who are the confirmed speakers?

√ Jean Jouzel, graduate of CPE Lyon class of 1968, paleo-climatologist & IPCC member

Wednesday 10 May 2023
18:15 (GMT +1)
CPE Lyon
3 Rue Victor Grignard
69100 Villeurbanne

CPE Lyon

3 Rue Victor Grignard
69100 Villeurbanne

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Wednesday 10 May 2023
18:15 (GMT +1)
CPE Lyon
3 Rue Victor Grignard
69100 Villeurbanne
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